7th Paper Development Seminar (7PDS)

The 7th Paper Development Seminar (7PDS) on Entrepreneurial Process Research was held at the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences (FCEyE) of the University of Seville (US) on May 27th-28th, 2024. This 7PDS has been co-organized with the “Observatorio del Emprendimiento de España” (GEM-Spain), and sponsored by the ECSB, the IUSEN, the E&I Research Group, and the Department of Applied Economics (D.EA1) at the University of Seville.

This year, collaboration with the ECSB has been even more intense, since the 7PDS included a special session on “Institutions and Entrepreneurship”, promoted by the InsEnt SIG at ECSB.

As in previous editions, this 2024 seminar brought together some of the most prestigious researchers and editors of international scientific journals in the field of entrepreneurship. Specifically, we were accompanied by (alphabetical order):

  • David Audretsch, Distinguished Professor at the Ameritech Chair of Economic Development at Indiana University, where he also serves as director of the Institute for Development Strategies. Audretsch has served as an advisory board member to a number of international research and policy institutes, and is co-founder and Editor-in-Chief of Small Business Economics.
  • Sarah Jack, Director of the SSES Centre, Professor at Jacob and Marcus Wallenberg Chair in Sustainable and Innovative Entrepreneurial Development at the Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), Sweden; and Professor of Entrepreneurship and Strategy at Lancaster University, United Kingdom. Associate editor of Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, and editor of Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice.
  • Christina Theodoraki, Associate professor in Entrepreneurship & Strategy at TBS Education, France; and Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Development Strategies, SPEA, at the University of Indiana, USA. Editor of Small Business Economics and Associate Editor of the Journal of Small Business Management.
  • David Urbano, Professor of Entrepreneurship at Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB) and ICREA-Academia Research fellow; Director at the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation Research (CREIS); and Associate editor of Small Business Economics and Consulting Editor at the International Small Business Journal. Urbano is also member of the Board of Directors in the European Council of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB).
David Audretsch (from left), Christina Theodoraki, Sarah Jack and David Urbano in a panel lead by Francisco Liñán (on right).

During the seminar, the guest speakers conducted highly engaging sessions on different topics within entrepreneurship research. In addition, 20 papers were presented by a total of 25 participants and researchers from various EU countries, including Spain, registered for the seminar. They received feedback from fellow participants in the room, and the papers were reviewed and commented on by at least two of the invited speakers. The sessions were very active and participative, and -according to the participants- they were truly enjoyable.

Participants of the 7PDS

Thanks to the support from the ECSB, a Best Paper Award has been granted to one of the participants. The award includes a free 1-year membership to the ECSB. The plenary speakers, together with the local organizing committee, decided on the Best Paper Award, which was granted to the paper entitled “A meta-analysis about the correlation between entrepreneurial passion and entrepreneurs’ behavior” by Lorena Stelzer. Congratulations!

Award winner Lorena Stelzer with Francisco Liñán

In addition to this award, the papers recognized as finalists were: “Underemployment in self-employment”, by D. Troncoso, C. Román-Diaz and E. Congregado-Ramírez; “Entrepreneurial Passion in Context: The Intersection of Cognitive Processes and Start-up Motivation in Venture Outcomes”, by H. Pérez-Fernandez, G. Cacciotti, V. Temprano-García, and N. Nuhu; “University-Ecosystem Ambidexterity: Characteristics and balancing conditions”, by S. Martinez-Martinez and R. Ventura; and “Marketing Orientation and Opportunity-based Entrepreneurship: evidence at the micro and macro levels”, by A. Rodriguez-Santiago, M. Carmona, and J. García-Clemente.

Besides this intense academic activity, the 7PDS also included a social programme to facilitate networking and community building. The participants had the opportunity to enjoy a delightful dinner on the roof-top of the “Hotel Inglaterra Sevilla” and take a cultural visit to the Hospital de la Caridad. These events provided a relaxed and informal atmosphere for participants, professors, and members of the organizing committee to enjoy.

Author: Francisco Liñán, Professor, University of Seville.